Tuesday, October 16, 2018

What Does Your Body Language Say?

When you give a business presentation, you are seen as a leader or an expert. Does your body language keep that image alive in the eyes of your audience?

Your face and hands play a big role in sending your audience the right message. Your body language speaks louder than your words. Your body language—your dress, posture and body movements—account for 55 percent of your credibility with your audience.

Don’t you start sizing up a new person before they open their mouth? So does your audience! They are looking at your face—your eyes and mouth—and your hands. To make sure you are coming across as a leader and an expert presenter, follow these four body language rules:

1. Memorize your opening and closing remarks so you can make eye contact with your audience. People don’t trust speakers who don’t look at them.

2. Start your presentation with a smile. It says “I want to connect with you” and “I’m friendly.”

3. Keep your hands at your sides until you want to make a gesture that helps explain what you’re saying. Then return your hands and arms to your sides.

4. But please DO NOT move your hands to these places:
  • Behind your back (you’re saying, “I really don’t want to connect with you”),
  • On your hips (you’re saying, “I’m more important than you”) or 
  • In the fig leaf position (your hands are covering your private parts for protection, because you feel threatened). 
Use your hands and face to send the message that you have valuable information to share with your audience to help them solve a problem, make more money or grow their business. The next time you give a presentation, make sure your words, hands and face are connecting with your audience and sending the same message!

For more ways to make your body language boost your image, like my Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/BetterSpeakingSkills/

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