Sunday, May 20, 2018

4 Ways to Avoid Boring Your Audience

Do you know what people are saying (in their mind) about you when you stand in front of them to give a presentation? They are thinking, “Please don’t let her be boring!”

Your job is simple. DO NOT BORE THEM! What can you do to keep your listeners interested? Use anchors to tie your audience to your presentation. Anchors add energy, increase audience involvement and reduce the risk of giving a dull, boring presentation.

For every main point you make, use an anchor to bring it alive for your audience. Four popular anchors are an anecdote, an analogy, an activity, and an acronym. Here’s how you can keep your audience engaged and make your message more memorable:

Anecdote – Tell a story that drives home your point. When people remember your story, they’ll remember your point.

Analogy – Compare your point to something the audience knows about. I like to compare the three parts of a presentation to a three-course meal. The opening is your appetizer, the main message is your entrée and your closing words are like a dessert. Comparisons make your message easier to digest.

Activity – Have the audience practice what you preach. When your audience participates in an activity, they walk away with a deeper understanding of your message. Activities are a great way to add fun and energy.

Acronym – Turn your message into an easy-to-remember acronym. For example, I like to make my audiences “T.A.L.L.” (Think, Act, Laugh and Learn).

For more presentation tips, like the Better Speaking Skills Facebook page (